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Our next destination was St. Andrew’s Orthodox Church in Riverside, where another Akathist service was prayed September 3. Processing into the church with the Pilgrim Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa while the Akathist was sung with more than 160 in attendance, including several young families, brought such joy!  The choir’s sung prayer of the Akathist was exceptional.

After the ceremony, Father Josiah Trenham introduced me while discussing his own connection with pro-life efforts in Santa Barbara. He extolled HLI Founder Father Paul Marx as a lion in his defense of human life and the family. After my presentation, Father Josiah lead the congregation in singing a blessing upon us as we spread the Gospel of Life.  Sometimes, some congregations are just beginning stress important life issues, but St. Andrew’s faithful live out the Gospel of Life as evidenced by their strong family life — convictions encouraged by their pro-life pastor.

Fr. Peter West with Chris Morales
Human Life International